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The Let's Play Archive


by Quackles

Part 31: Story: Undocumented Instruction

Undocumented Instruction

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

Holy shit!

OK, so, uh, yeah, [cough] my sentiments are almost exactly identical to Carl's in this regard. I'm not gonna start throwing around words like 'competitive advantage', but...

You know, of all the thoughts that are running through my mind, I'm flashing back to the whole business with the eSports gamer signs, months ago. That guy on ChipOverflow - I never ran into him again, and I was able to find a ¥6 solution with help from the comments, but what if his ¥6 solution was based on using gen to create pulses? I remember running out of space on a MC6000 due to pulses taking up so many instructions...

[sigh] I guess all we can really do is learn and move on. gen and @ are going to be useful tricks to know...

Carbon dioxide posted:

Do you have any idea who patches loopholes in those corporations? I mean they don't have human leadership or anything.

Not a clue! There's some more details on Wikipedia, I think.

GuavaMoment posted:

Technical question here - how come your pngs have jpg artifacts? How are you capturing these images? There's an issue somewhere in here we can fix.

I take the screenshots with my tablet's inbuilt screenshot mode, which generates .png files. For emails, I then crop them, and nothing else. For pictures of large boards, I size them down to 50% - my tablet's got a high-DPI screen, and full-size images would break the layout. (You probably won't notice unless you have a high-DPI screen yourself.)

If you're referring to the checkerboard pattern on the 'unknown sender' picture, I think that's the email program, not a JPEG artifact. Same for the background of the simulator - there, the check pattern lets you place parts accurately.

Of course, maybe it's just that I've never shown you Joe's true form...

(Postscript: Ah, I see it was on your end. It happens!)